Dwayne Hess Eportfolio

Part 3
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Part III.


A. Have the staff try to complete the following exercise to help understand what it might be like for a dyslexic reader in a classroom. After 10 minutes, ask the staff what they have decoded and what the experience was like. (For a clearer copy, find the attached McWhirter.bmp)






Jeff McWhirter, Ph.D., is currently professor-emeritus of counseling psychology from Arizona State University and is a board certified psychologist in counseling psychology (American Board of Professional  Psychology). He is a nationally and internationally recognized scholar in counseling psychology and  counselor education with specialties in the areas of group counseling, learning disabilities, and at-risk  youth. His distinguished career has been defined by his commitment to solving critical social and public  health problems through science and practice.


College of Education 1215 University of Oregon,  Eugene OR 97403-1215  T (541) 346-3405  F (541) 346-5818  education.uoregon.edu


B. Introduce The Wilson Reading System. Discuss the pros and cons of using this method to bring phonemic and syllabic awareness to students who struggle with learning disabilities.







Sample Handout. Phonemic Awareness: Isolating phonemes in one-syllable words.





For More Wilson Practice, see attachment “wilsonpractice.bmp”